Browsing "Christian Hine"
*Editor’s note – This letter was submitted by a local insurance agent to Congressman Hudson’s office in response to the Congressman’s request for opinions on Obamacare. We received permission from the author to share this with our readers. Dear Congressman Richard Hudson, Thanks for sending this out and I hope you will send more as […]
Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) announced his endorsement of Dr. Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate in North Carolina. “I enthusiastically endorse Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate because he’s a true constitutional conservative who will join me in fighting against business as usual in Washington.” “Americans are looking for leaders who will honor their oath of office by fighting to ‘protect and defend’ […]
I fully believe that history will look at the events of October 13, 2013 as the day when people finally took constructive action against a government hell-bent on arbitrarily and selectively enforcing law and policy based on nothing but politics. President Obama’s biggest mistake? Targeting veterans. Since the government shutdown began on October 1, President […]
Pisgah Inn Rally this Saturday, 10/12 at noon. Caravan at 11 AM. The Pisgah Inn is re-opened as of today, 10/9. Why? Government has backed down! Across America, citizens are tossing aside the barricades to our monuments and saying ‘enough is enough!’ Let’s make Pisgah Inn the inspiration for other businesses across the country to push […]
*Editors note: Our friends at SPARK (Strategic Partners for Accountability and Reform of Key Educational Performances) and SMART (South Mecklenburg Alliance of Responsible Taxpayers) have provided PunditHouse with the following position paper outlining their opposition to CMS bonds on the ballot this November 5. OVERVIEW: After allowing the bond process to unfold, it is now time […]
Well, it’s official folks. The healthcare exchanges created by the mistitled “Affordable Healthcare Act” (AKA Obamacare) have now gone live on the InterWebs. Well, sort of. Apparently our government knows as much about running a website as they do about running healthcare. I’ve noticed the past two days that friends of mine in social media […]
Our good friend Chuck Suter at just posted an intriguing video of live phone calls he made to the offices of various Senators. This is a classic.
Readers will remember that last week’s new government expenditures consisted of about a million dollars of Charlotte-Mecklenburg taxpayer money being given to the highly profitable Cedar Fair, owners of Carowinds Amusement Park. Both the Charlotte City Council and the Mecklenburg County Commission OK’d sizable tax incentives in hopes of guaranteeing an expansion of the park. […]
*Editor’s Note: Recent news showcased that the cost of Obamacare for North and South Carolina residents is set to raise premiums for most people. No surprise here. This trend continues across the country. Reporting here is Nicole Kaeding of Americans for Prosperity. ********************* As a candidate running for president, President Obama declared “in an Obama […]
Bringing the message to defund Obamacare directly to the American people, Texas Senator Ted Cruz began a filibuster on the floor of the Senate today at 2:40PM. You can watch live at the link below, and be sure to Tweet your support using #MakeDCListen.