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Voter ID and Hilarious Hypocrisy

Feb 10, 2014   //   by Christian Hine   //   Carolinas, Christian Hine  //  59 Comments

Looks like William Barber and his merry band of “Moral Monday” protesters are back at it in 2014.

In Raleigh this past weekend, thousands of marchers (many bused in from out of state by a motley collection of leftist organizations) took aim once again at the Republican led NC General Assembly’s work to right the path of state government.

Among the strongest criticisms has been the passage of a Voter ID law which will be phased in over a few election cycles.  The protesters have repeatedly railed against such a practice as “voter suppression”.  Apparently identification is much harder to come by than anyone could have guessed.

That is what makes this so funny.

Protesters were made aware of rules via the organizers website and sheets that were made available to participants.

Which of these rules do you find odd?

voter id


  • Funny, Christian. Nobody likes a hypocrite. Being in SOUTH CAROLINA you don’t have a lot of room deriding out of state agitators since you’re one yourself.

    I was there, and you were not. So how would you have any idea what was talked about?

    • I don’t care that they are out of state. I care that they are leftist. I have read the MSM reports on what was talked about. Are they inaccurate?

      • “Many bussed in from out of state by a motley collection of leftist organizations” were your exact words.

  • Christian,
    These Moral Monday people should ask any Mexican how to get a ID. Mexicans seem to have no problem getting multiple Social security numbers and driver license.
    Valid car tags and insurance are optional.

  • Hypocrisy? Moral Monday organizers suggesting someone bring an ID to a protest is a far cry from the state legislature requiring, by law, to show an ID before voting. GOP claiming voter ID will help stop fraud, yet purposely trying to suppress democratic voters– now THAT’s hypocrisy.

    • “Purposely trying to suppress democratic voters”
      Why don’t you and Zon work 60 hour weeks and accept a tax increase to support your beloved democratic voters. They will appreciate your hard work while they cash their unemployment checks .

      • Or….We can stand up to bigots like you in our legislature. Last I checked, it’s the Democrats that have given me more tax cuts than the Republicans ever did. How’s that Crazy Tea taste?

        • Or you could spend your time and efforts on getting people a free picture ID instead of all the taxpayer money spent on Moral Monday nonsense. It’s just a fundraiser for the NAACP and the State and National Democrat Party.

          Picture ID is still not going to stop the shenanighans at certain precincts which will still remain open past midnight til they find how many votes are needed to reelect a Chik fil A and Slaw.

        • Zon, Does the pretend world that you live in help you to cope? You call me a bigot but do you do so just to be a obnoxious ass? Can you offer proof of my being a bigot.
          Your posts defy common sense at all levels. I have seen first hand many times illegals driving without insurance,DL’s and valid tags. I have been the victim of many crimes against my business and personal belongings.

          I refuse to make excuses for anyone who will not work or give a honest effort to live a decent life.

          • Be proud of who you are, Bruce. Look, any person that refers first to a persons nationality, cultural heritage or race, as I have seen you do MANY times, when describing who they are or what they do, is bigoted. In this case, assuming ‘Mexicans’ are proficient at fake ID’s simply because they are from Mexico. Here’s a hint, though. We have illegal immigrants from Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Managua, Venezuela, Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic, Ecquador and Chile as well. But I guess in your mind they’re all ‘Mexicans’.

          • Zon why do you hate all of the people you mention just because they are from South America?
            Where I live in Charlotte most illegals are from Mexico. but you make my point that there are millions more who have crossed the border from South America.

            Once again you defy logic by calling me a bigot because I point out the obvious.
            If you cannot speak english and drive without insurance,valid tags, HAVE FAKE SS numbers, then I will be bigot and call them out for being lawbreakers and a burden to the US.
            Crap stinks and refusing to say so even when someone is rubbing your nose in it is insane.

    • Suppressing Democrat voters? Bwahahaha! Perhaps the ones that think it’s ok to vote three times. Do you think it’s ok to vote three times? When does the suppression start? After the 2nd, after the 3rd?

      • Accord to Zon and Terrance every vote cast must count. If youre in Mel Watt’s safe congressional district and you want to go help a Democrat in a district bordering the spaghetti monster you should be able to go into that district and vote.

        The same buses that took people to Raleigh are the same ones that go from precinct to precinct to stuff the ballots.

        I wish someone in the state GOP would grow a pair and complain to the IRS to get ‘Reverend’ Barber’s tax exempt status removed for partisan politics. You know if it was Franklin Graham leading a protest against Obama’s Rule of Whim the IRS would be beating down the doors of Samaritan’s Purse the next day.

      • Christian, it’s real simple. Do you think for a moment that the GOP would have passed the many new voting laws if it hurt GOP voters? All the laws–not just voter ID–we’re put in place as a means to discourage Dem voters from exercising their right to vote. Yes, it’s that simple. If you think otherwise you are deluding yourself.

        That is the crux of the matter. You can argue all of your other meaningless points, name call, and shift the conversation, but until you agree to that fundamental point, then everything you say rings hollow.

        • Terence, most of us understand that and we also realize many of the laws on the books which were put there by Democrats were to increase Democrat voting. Certainly they were not to help Republicans. So what was good for the Democrats etc.

          • You have a problem with more people voting?

          • I have a problem with laws, such as the ones the Democrats wrote, whose intent was to increase voter participation of a particular party. Isn’t that what you’re opposing?

          • I also have a problem with people voting for representatives who are in position to tax the working population in order to give to the voters. Let me translate: if you work for the government, or get a large portion of your income from transfer payments, you shouldn’t be able to vote. ie – teachers, government employees, or people on social security etc.
            People need a vested interest in the economy of capitalism to vote, not a vested interest in the transfer payment system.

          • Lewis, you shouldn’t be able to vote if you’re a teacher or or on social security? No offense man, but that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this blog. And that includes Bruce’s crazy ramblings.

        • Terence ,
          Why is getting a ID so hard ? One would think that if someone put their mind to it they could figure a way to do it at least one time in their life. I would bet my 100 dollar bill to your dollar that these same people who complain a the ID requirement have had no trouble signing up for all types of government benefits.

        • Don’t worry Terrence in a couple of years you’ll get the ballot you want: There will be a box to reelect the Emperor Nerobama and a simple no box just like in North Korea.

        • Terence, as usual, your leftist leanings leave you with an inability to respond in an intelligent fashion. Why don’t you try explaining why I am wrong, or that some other method of controlling those who will use their vote to steal from me, via government representation and force, is more desirable than what I advocate. In the meantime, I leave you with this, mob rule by majority vote is still mob rule.

          • Terence – Don’t argue with ignorant crazy people, they ultimately drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

            Lewis is one of those wing nuts that is convinced the government is stealing from him because he cannot pick and choose what it spends money on. For example, since he himself does not, and apparently did not, go to school; he thinks anyone associated with public education is stealing from him and therefore not entitled to the rights of ‘regular’ citizens. Especially since they vote predominantly for those demonic, America-hating Democrats. It’s all a conspiracy by the forces of darkness to bring him and his fellow wing nuts down you see.

          • Do I really need to explain how ridiculous it is to ban government workers–including teachers–from voting? Even Bruce can see that’s a dumb idea.

            We live in a civilized society. We pay taxes because it is in the best interest of everyone to have an educated, healthy and safe population. As of now, the fairest and yes, most efficient way to do this is to tax and spend. It has been demonstrated in every successful country on earth. The notion that the government is stealing from you is so cartoonish and shortsighted I’m starting to wonder if YOU should be banned from voting.

          • noun
            a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.

            a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand.

            verb (used with object)

            to demand a tax from (a person, business, etc.).

            to demand a tax in consideration of the possession or occurrence of (income, goods, sales, etc.), usually in proportion to the value of money involved.

            to lay a burden on; make serious demands on: to tax one’s resources.

            Now, having read the definitions, please explain how taxing me, demanding money of me, in order to give it to the Panthers, or Boeing or some farmer, or BOA or GM or wasting it on high school football stadiums, or any such is anything but stealing.

          • To steal: take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

            Money that goes to the government eventually makes it back to taxpayers. You may not like the fact that the government is building stadiums or researching diseases or helping the poor or paying teachers or building trains, but you can’t say that they are stealing from you.

            So back to the issue of government employees not being able to vote: It’s still a dumb idea and will never happen–not in the US at least.

          • Yes, they are stealing from me, to give to their political and personal friends. Your distortions are just that. Governments should do only certain things – stadiums or supporting particular businesses are not among them. Anything else is using the power, the FORCE of government to take. Steal.

      • Produce 5 cases of in-person voter fraud in North Carolina in the last 20 years. You can’t.

        • I guess you’ve forgotten the Nick Mackey/Chip Bailey sherriff’s race. There was more than 5 cases of voter fraud there. He would have gotten away with it had Bailey been a Republican. LOL Media and Elections commision would have swept it under the rug.

          The majority of cases of voter fraud complaints are made against Democrats. Until recently the elections comission that oversees these complaints were controlled by the democrats andcases were dismissed. Mccrory has been governor for less than a year so I expect to see a lot of cases coming forward during this election cycle.

          Things like the Chik fil A and Slaw will not easily be swept under the rug.

          • Not only weird but a liar to boot.

          • Where is the lie Mr. Soros? How about the Ike Brown voter fraud case in Mississippi. Mr Brown didn’t like that his hand picked candidate lost the Democrat Primary and a Caucasian candidate won. He went in with the local BOE and threw out white votes and manufactured new black votes to get the result he wanted.

            The Bush Administration indicted him for violating the civil rights of white democrats. Career DOJ attorneys were appalled by this prosecuetion and has promised no more Ike Brown type indictments.

          • Interesting. Asking ‘vote fraud indictments’ of the search engine got 6.9 million responses.

        • From WNCN: In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney’s office.

          • Nice try. Convictions.

          • Zon’s demands for convictions is such a joke. The fact is if there is one case of voter fraud, even if not known by anyone except the fraudulent voter, it is too many. Fraudulent voters, by their nature are hidden from the public, and so not easily found out. The nature of voter ID would be to preclude the chances for fraud, not put people in jail.

            Of course it sounds to me like Zon wants people in jail. It makes him feel better. He wants CONVICTIONS. Of course Zon doesn’t want government spending money on something he doesn’t like, DOES HE!

    • Here’s an outrageous example of “purposely trying to suppress democratic voters”:

      State: Illinois
      City: Chicago
      Voter’s Name: Barack H. Obama
      Suppression Method: Requiring Photo ID to Vote

  • What’s amazing is that people continue to follow the Barbers of the world and buy into their false prophecy.

    You can’t fix stupid.

    • Nor can you fix racist fear mongers on power trips who think the world would be better off if all our lives were run by government.

  • They are trying to spin that we’re saying Picture ID was ‘Required’ to be shown at the March. Nope. They can’t spin their own document. They wanted you to bring a picture ID in case they suspected you to be a member of Project Veritas who were rumored to be there in force.

    • What I don’t understand is how the leaders could even expect the participants to be able to get a picture ID.

      • Has nothing to do with voter supression. its a fund raising gimmic and a tool to arouse the base to come to the polls in november.

        • Exactly right Skyler.
          The leaders of the democratic party have a very very low opinion of there base. They consider them as nothing more than cannon fodder.

          • Their.

  • @ Lewis –

    Are you stoned, or really that stupid? Honestly, I would go with the stoned excuse. Anyone can make an accusation, if there are true instances of in-person voter fraud, why no prosecutions? And if you took the time to actually read the story, you will find that they were all absentee ballots, not one in-person. If this law is to protect the integrity of the ballot box, why is this law silent on absentee ballots? I’ll tell you why, because absentee ballots are used primarily by Republicans. If there is voter fraud, that’s where it is.

    • Poor ol’ Zon, always with the ad hominem attacks. And he would want one to think he is civilized.

      • That all you got, wing nut?

      • Lewis;
        You have to understand Zon and Terence literally do not believe that crap stinks …

        • Ah, there’s Bruce to reliably contribute absolutely nothing to a rational argument.

          • Zon,
            The fact is, you can’t make a rational argument in favor of the policies you espouse. In this string you have, as usual, avoided any semblance of rational social intercourse, relying on innuendo, ad hominem statements and avoidance of subject. Yet you imagine in your own mind that you are the rational, civilized one. Bah. The only thing you have to offer are the antics of an over-caffeinated howler monkey which, initially entertaining, become boring shortly.

          • Note to self ….Do not walk behind Zon in a cow pasture as he tends to walk in the wrong places.

            You really have the nerve to say that your comments are rational!!!!

            Let me describe one of the best days in ZON’S life….. A illegal rear ends Zon’s car and then drives off without stopping. Zon calls the police who do not respond for 3 hours. After he arrives at work he finds out that his business has been broken into for the third time. He calls the police only to find out that they refuse to come out.He must make a report online.Just last year ZON catches someone red handed stealing from his business but the police refuse to respond.
            Zon still does that understand what is happening to him because his intense desire to be opened minded to all people causes him to to see nothing wrong with his circumstances. A truly GREAT DAY for ZON.

  • @ Lewis

    Still got nothing, huh?

  • Has anyone heard how Dr, Brannon’s made out in his fraud trail this week?

    • Dr. Brannon had a fraud trial? Had no idea.

      • I is a civil deal in state court. The people that say he scammed them are suing him. Google it- it is out there.

        • I did and nothing about it on the first page of results, so it can’t be that serious or the press would be all over it.

  • @ Rick B.

    No, just said I didn’t see it on the first page of results. Really not enough interest to look farther than that. I plan to vote for him anyway because he’s NOT Thom Tillis, at least in the primary.

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